Dr. Priya Iyer was an amazing researcher and well-wisher of the society. She was a wholesome human being who always strived to help those in need. She had a soft corner for special kids and also for the transgender community. Therefore, in the fond memory of our dear friend, Priya, this scholarship is specially for the students between the age group of 13 to 18 years, who either belong to transgender community or face any physical or mental challenge. Every year we aim to provide one such student, free tutoring for a year at our centre for Science and Math.

The selection is interview based.
For more details, please contact nitin@kriyacoachingclasses.com

In physics, during the school days, we were taught about photons. Compact packets of energy which together forms the illuminating and life giving light which surrounds us all. I guess, there is no better way to describe Priya other than that. A single person can be many things for many people but Priya played several roles in each of our lives. She was my close friend, collaborator, gardening enthusiast, writing buddy, travel companion and a great mentor and counsellor.
From the very first day that we met four years ago to the very last moment, her motivational energy, her excitement for science, fondness for nature and empathy for everyone she knew remained beyond measures. She was among the most kind persons that I have known in my life. She always used to go to great lengths for helping every other person who would have come into her contact. There was no judgement, bias or favoritism in her mind when it comes to helping others.
A brilliant academician as she was, her teaching skills and her zeal to promote positive science culture were also incomparable. She was an amazing multi-tasker who would somehow manage to juggle more than four to five full fledged research projects, her family, her students and yet will have time to listen to her friends and help them in any way possible. Every time I felt low or under confident about myself or my work or I was procrastinating, she would come forward with her warmth and support to lift me up and get me going.
She maintained her child-like curiosity for the world and therefore everything around her used to excite or impact her greatly. Her laughter like herself was so pure and filled of life that it used to light up the whole place. I think when you carry the whole world on your shoulders, it tends to become heavy at times and unfortunately in those times, she didn’t share the burden with others. I want to remember her and get inspired for the wholesome person that she was. Will try my best to complete everything that she and I started or thought of. Missing you a lot, Priya. I will try my best to keep myself motivated as you always wanted me to be. Thanks for becoming an inseparable part of my life. Goodbye Priya.